Useful Information

  • How to make halva?
  • What is the nutritional importance of tahini halva
  • How can we storage halva in home?
  • Do you use any pork or lard derivates added emulsifier in halva production?
  • How to keep tahini halva
  • How to produce Met Halva? How should be its storage conditions
  • Is the accumulation of oil on top of the sesame paste refers to any spoilage?
  • Is the accumulation of residue at the bottom of the grape molasses refers to any spoilage?
  • What should be the ratio of sesame paste and grape molasses mixture?
  • How to produce grape molasses?
  • What are the benefits of grape molasses?
  • What are the benefits of carob molasses?
  • What are the benefits of mulberry molasses?
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